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Wessel de Jonge designs redevelopment Hakagebouw for Dudok

On the basis of the vision presentation for approach to the Haka building in Rotterdam, Wessel de Jonge was commissioned by Dudok project development from Dordrecht for further elaboration of the redevelopment.

hakagebouw rotterdam;
bron foto: uitvraag Dudok Groep

The vision of Wessel de Jonge architects was partly based on the installation-technical and building-physical concept that Climatic Design Consult introduced on the basis of a thorough analysis of the building history research by Susanne Fischer.

In the further elaboration, Peutz consultancy firm provides building physical advice and the technical installation design is worked out by Techniplan.

In November 2019 the Haka building won the prize for the 'Most Striking Rotterdam Real Estate Project 2019'.