Building physics consultants

Van Nelle Ontwerpfabriek, RotterdamClimatic Design Consult is the building physics consultant and has designed the ventilation and conditioning concept for the transformation of the Van Nelle factory in Rotterdam.


commissioner: Kondor Wessels Ontwerpfabriek
coördinating architect: Wessel de Jonge architect, Rotterdam
interior design and reconstruction factory buildings: Claessens Erdmann architects & designers, Amsterdam
structural engineer: ABT consulting engineers and Bartels consulting engineers
building physics and building services consulting: Climatic Design Consult

The Van Nelle factory, a Dutch listed building and listed as Unesco World Heritage as well, is transformed to a new destination, beginning with the factory buildings for tobacco, coffee- and tea. The theme 'Light, Air and Space' as implemented by the original architects Brinkman and Van der Vlugt is respected. The buildings will be available for designers and businesses in designproducts.

Climatic Design Consult is also involved in reconstruction/transformation of the Expeditionbuilding and the original warehouses (Schiehallen) at the Van Nelle complex, which transformation is designed by Wessel de Jonge architects and the office building of which the transformation was designed by Molenaar and Van Winden.

Van Nelle Ontwerpfabriek, Rotterdamnelle3nelle4